This book is ALL you will ever need when it comes to disciplining your children. Every parent or soon to be parent should read it at least once.
Our bible study group is going through this book for the second time. We went through it a few years ago, but it's definitely good to go through it again. Our group has fourteen in it. Seven guys and seven gals. Two people are single. Jeff, who is a high school math teacher, and myself . The rest are married. We all have kids, eighteen being the oldest, and three being the youngest. It's never too late to start disciplining your children using this awesome technique. When I first started using it with Christine it was amazing! The biggest eye opener for me was the part about disciplining your children because God has given us that authority over them. If I don't discipline my children, I am disobeying God. My dad and mom would always tell me to do or not do something because they were the parent, and they said so. It went something like this, "You can't go to the movies because I'm your father, and I said so." I always wanted to know why I should do it just because he said so. Maybe he didn't want me to go to the movies because he didn't trust the kids that were going with me or because I had spent all my money for that week. If they had only known that they needed to give me a reason and that that reason needed to be based on biblical principals. There are hundreds of books out there on parenting and discipline and trust me this is the one, and only one to read. I put chapter one on this post and it's just a tiny part of the book, but so incredible. It really will change the way you parent. Like I said, Christine understands why she needs to be obedient. She knows that I need to be obedient to God, because God says that I must discipline her.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hmmm I'll have to look into having my study group at church use this book. It looks good!
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