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Jon Bon Jovi ( Jon Bongiovi)
Yeah I know, I have a few pictures of Bon Jovi on this post. I've been a huge fan from the beginning.
He gets the award for "best smile ever!"
There are thousands of women that get weak when he flashes that smile, me included. My neighbor has been married for 26 years and if she sees him on t.v. she tells me about how cute he is. I think she has a crush on him. I'm kidding. If he wasn't the person that he is inside, his smile would mean nothing. Married to his high school sweetheart, has lots of kids, gives his time and money to those in need, ( is one that he works with) and that's what it's all about. The smile is just the icing on the cake. I'll go back to talking about music now.
We all have memories that are associated with different songs. My girls like the 80's music and so do I. Naked eyes (a band from the 80's) has a song called, "there's always something there to remind me." When I'm driving throughout the day I hear at least one of these songs on the radio. I listen to a station that plays the 80's, 90's, and todays music. I do like some OLD songs that I didn't like when Iwas younger. Does that mean I'm getting old? Yeah, I think so. Two of my very favorite songs are Queen's "your my best friend and "crazy little thing called love." Two feel good songs. I never thought I would be a Led Zeppelin fan but I love, "All of my love," and "you don't have to go." You know, I still have all of my old records. No laughing. Just a few of the ones I have. Michael Jackson, Leif Garret, Joan Jett, The Village People? Sesame Street, and the list goes on. I listened to some pretty hip music didn't I?
So, these are the songs that remind me.
Pat Benetar's song "Shadows of the night." This one along with the others on this album remind me of my friend Toni from high school. We were fifteen/sixteen years old. We listened to this song over and over again. We always took her boom box to the beach and this tape was well used. It reminds me of being on the hill above the beach in Soap Lake tanning. I think about all the things we used to talk about. We spent hours and hours talking and tanning. I still love this song.
Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer." This reminds me of my two friends Chris and Kim from high school. They were twins. Chris was a crazy driver and every time we were in her car I wanted to hear this song. Hmmmm, maybe I should have been praying when I was in her car. We would sing it at the top of our lungs. Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" also reminds me of them. Good times.
Bon Jovi's "Runaway." The first album they released and my first love. No my first love was not Jon Bon Jovi. I was fifteen when my boyfriend and I listened to Runaway in his room. I still have the tape. It's only twenty three years old and definitely a keeper. I have to say that these songs are not the easiest to listen to, but I still love them, and so do my girls. Cyndi Lauper's "Time after Time." I was at his house and it was the first time I had ever seen MTV. This video came on and I went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. He came up behind me and kissed me on the neck. Yes, that song and that moment will always go together. I remember it like it was yesterday. The Police and "Every Breath You Take." I remember listening to it often when I was his girlfriend, so it reminds me of him. Night Ranger's "Sister Christian." I'm guessing that some of you had a special song that you shared with your boy/girlfriend. I've never had a special song with anyone else, so I will definitely never forget it. Judas Priest and "Love Bites." He was so excited for me to hear their new album. He was so into it and was singing out loud. I think he was hoping I would get a little more excited about their music. I was thinking to myself, "well, it's ok." It was a little too heavy for me. We were looking at some old pictures of him (when he was ten or eleven) and listening to Judas Priest. Just like all the other songs, I can close my eyes and picture everything that was happening. Strange some of the little things we remember when we hear a certain song.
The Police also reminds me of my friend Melanie from high school. We were listening to their album one night when we were sleeping outside at her house. My boyfriend at the time, the Judas Priest boyfriend (the paragraph above) walked up to her house. I left with him and I remember Melanie having an absolute fit that I was leaving. She said she was going to get in trouble from her mom if she knew I had left. Sorry about that Melanie. You didn't get in trouble did you?
The Human League's "Don't you want me baby." Queen's "Another one bites the dust." Soft Cell "Tainted Love." Rick Springfield "Don't talk to strangers." These are just a few of the many songs that remind me of roller skating every weekend with friends, and of a boy in my class that I had a huge crush on. I was around thirteen years old. Every weekend at the skating rink I would tell myself that I was going to ask him to skate when it was couples skate. One night I did it, I asked him and he skated with me. Once he knew I liked him, he started asking me to skate couples. Every weekend after that I would tell myself that I was going to kiss him when we were skating, and every time we skated together I would whimp out. The anxiety I had over that first kiss was brutal, especially since I had no idea how to kiss a boy. I was just going to give him a quick smack. Sounds so ridiculous doesn't it? All that anxiety and I never did kiss him.
Donny and Marie? This song reminds me of my friend Becky and the good times we had when we were young. We both learned how to ride a bike together. It was so lame because we had to ride these bikes that belonged to her older sisters, and we couldn't reach the ground. The ground was her back yard, and it's not that easy to learn to ride a bike on grass, but we kept at it even though we wiped out every foot or so. One more story about when we were younger. Becky had a giant hill behind her house and we would go sledding down it. There was a fence at the bottom of the hill to keep their cows in. It really doesn't feel good when you hit a fence when your flying down a big hill. We were tough though, and a little pain wasn't going to stop us. Donny and Marie - Ok, I was around nine or ten years old (that's my excuse) and her sister had their album. We listened to it for what seemed like hours and hours. The same song over and over again. "A my name is Alice." No I don't listen to Donny and Marie, but I loved that song and I still know all the words.
The Rolling Stones and "Emotional Rescue." Reminds me of my friend Kim when we were in Elementary school. I was at her house and it was close to Christmas. We wanted to decorate a tree or plant of some kind and we couldn't find anything, so we got a tumble weed and brought it into her room. It was one beautiful tumble weed when we were finished with it. Lights, ornaments, the works. Emotional rescue was on the radio all the time and I really liked it. I still do.
Bing Crosby. "Would you like to swing on a star." I had never heard the recording of this song. Ashley found this video for me. I think it rocks! When I was between four and ten years old my mom and I would sleep outside on warm nights. We would look up at the stars and look for animal shapes and the big and little dipper. We sang this song along with a few others when we slept outside, but this was my favorite. Every once in awhile I will hear her humming it while she's doing the dishes. Yes it's true, "there is always something there to remind me," and I will always love this song. Always!
Ahhhh come on, you guys have to watch it. There will never be another Bing Crosby. I love his song "White Christmas."
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