Monday, April 30, 2007
I have to go to the dentist !
Well, actually I don't have to go, but I choose to go. I took Christine to the dentist earlier today, and I started thinking about how fortunate Ashley and Christine are to have dental insurance. I was telling Christine after her appointment that when we say we have to go to the dentist, what we are really saying is that we would rather not go, but if we HAVE to we will. I told her that there are so many people, children and adults that are not able to go to the dentist for financial reasons. If they could afford to go, the adults would probably say, "I choose to go to the dentist." Most kids are not as excited about going to the dentist. Christine has asked me several times if she had to go. I guess I was thinking about it because I don't have dental insurance, and I need to go. I need to be thankful that for now I'm able to go. I have been putting it off for a long time for financial reasons. I don't think very many people enjoy going to the dentist, (I don't mind it) but right now I would love to go, and I'm choosing to go. Sometimes it's a difficult decision for me to make when the money could go towards something more important. When I left my job in accounting I realized how fortunate I had been all those years having coverage. I took dental/health coverage for granted. The next job I had didn't pay well, but it had good benefits, and that's why I stayed. I remember being inbetween jobs when Ashley was about six years old. I worried about her every single day because she/we didn't have any health insurance. I learned very quickly that it really is a HUGE benefit............. Duh!
Everyone have a super day :)