Friday, December 15, 2006


I went in this morning for a simple eye surgery. The doctor gave me two shots/anaesthesia, one in each of my lower eye lids, and within seconds I felt nauseous. I wanted to go to the restroom, but he handed me a plastic container instead. How embarrassing is that! Throwing up in front of your opthalmologist. I've never felt nauseous when I'm awake during a surgery. When I'm put under I just expect to be sick when I wake up. Well, so far I've thrown up every time as I'm waking up from the anaesthesia. I told him that it wasn't because I was nervous, and he said that the combination of the anaesthesia and the pain will sometimes cause people to become nauseous. It took maybe three minutes for the actual surgery and that was the easy part. Now I'll just have some bruising under my eyes for a few days. That's going to be attractive. Get out the sunglasses! Everyone have a good day and a super weekend!

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