At the end of each trimester the students get awards from their teachers. Christine got a healthy fitness award, fitness honor award, academic achievement (for all A's) award and a Sunnyland achiever award. On her Sunnyland achiever award it says, this certificate is awarded to Christine McIntee for......Mr. Bill wrote, "for being quietly magnificent! She is such a hard worker, as well as always a polite and kind person to everyone." The third picture is of what Mr. Bill had to say on her report card. Christine did not like school up until this year. It was a battle every single morning just getting her in the classroom. That is four years of taking her to school when she absolutely did not want to be there. I was definitely not firm enough with her. Throwing fits when your in second grade? She got excellent grades, but she did not like school. Finally, this year with Mr. Bill for her teacher she goes to school without the morning struggle. Yes, it was my fault for letting her get away with it for so long. I'm just so thankful that it's going well this year. When it comes to being firm with my girls my report card would have a big fat D on it. I'm trying to get it up to a C.
You guys have a great weekend, and Happy Easter!