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Animals and their names.
Ashley is always asking Christine and I for names for all the baby rabbits she has. She is running out of names and I told her to start naming them 1,2,3 and the letters of the alphabet.
I was four years old when my parents got me this dog. She was such a tiny little puppy. I was having a really hard time deciding what to name her. I finally had it down to three names, and I just couldn't decide, so I gave her all three. Sissy Lassie Francie. Calling her was a little more difficult, and confusing for her I'm sure. She was the sweetest dog.
My sweet Sissy Lassie Francie.
Have a good day!
Oh, and I think I know where Christine got her very large cheeks. When she was younger people would come up to me an comment on them
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