My grandfather's typewriter. He bought it in 1933 when my dad was 15 years old. When you type, the wheel with the letters and numbers goes down and hits the ink pad right before the wheel hits the paper. I removed the ink pad and soaked it in water and it works great. It's slow but fun to use. I love the old things that have been passed down to me and I think they are super cool.
This story has nothing to do with my grandfather’s typewriter, it's about my great grandfather. My great grandfather and his two brothers were horse thieves. They were going to be hung, so they stowed away on a ship that was coming to America. They came to America, and like many others they had nothing but the clothes on their back. Yes, I think they should have been punished for their crimes, and I'm sure they knew what the consequences were. I just think that being hung is a bit harsh for stealing horses. So many interesting stories. I think it's great that they kept journals, and passed them down to the next generation.
Have a good day.
About the pictures:
My mom was sure that she was going to have a boy so she made matching pajamas for my dad and I. Well, she didn't have a boy, so she dressed her daughter in them instead. I didn't mind because back then it was all about being fed, having a dry diaper, and staying warm.
In the tub. Those cheeks? I looked like a hamster.
I'm one in these three picutures
In my rocking chair. Both of my girls used it, and now it sits in our living room with one of Christine's dolls in it.
My first birthday. October 1969. My mom made a doll cake for me. I think my mom can make just about anything. My high chair was passed down to the girls just like my chair was. I keep it in the garage. It's definitely not fancy like the ones they make today.
Have a good day!
A program from the 1983 high school football playoffs at the Tacoma Dome. Soap Lake did not win, but it was still a great time. Getting as far as they did was a huge accomplishment. I had a favorite player on the Mariners (Freddy Garcia) and he is still my favorite. My favorite player on our football team in 1983 was # 62. He was just the cutest thing.
You guys have a great day.