Ashley at the Lynden fair August-2006
Next will be Christine at the fair.
The red train car is hers. Click on pic to enlarge
The kids in our club on the ferris wheel.
Ashley did soooooo good this year. She is the president of our rabbit and cavy club (Carrot Critters) and she is also in a poultry club. She is signed up for; rabbit, poultry, arts and crafts, horticulture, photography, teen leadership, cats and dogs. She has never shown a cat or a dog but she plans to in the future. She sold three rabbits in what they call a meat pen which is an auction where people bid on the different animals. She sold a trio last year and again this year. She received a total of $620.00 in premium money. So, where do I start? She entered flowers, jewelry, photos, posters, rabbbits, guinea pigs, chickens, chuckars and she brought her quail to display in the poultry barn.
The Circus was this years theme for cage decorations. Every year each rabbit club chooses a different theme. Each member of our group decorated their own train car to put on the front of their rabbits cage. Our group also entered a club banner which they did a great job on, and a table display. The kids get ribbons and premiums for each item entered. The banner got a blue ribbon and all together the club got $60.00 in premiums.

Ashley won overall showing her guinea pig and her chicken. This means that she won best out of all the divisions, novice, junior, intermediate and senior. Because she won overall she went on to round robin. Round robin is a competition where the overall winners from the poultry, rabbits, cavies, dogs and cats compete with each other to win it all. She won round robin last year showing rabbits and because you can’t win round robbin twice showing the same animal she showed her chicken. So, once again this year she had to show and answer questions about chickens, rabbits, cavies, dogs and cats and once again she won. Mr. Haulenbass from one of the feed stores donated a belt buckle and a $100.00 check to the winner. She also received a rosette, which is a ribbon. Next she is on to the State fair in Puyallup. We have gone for the last three years, so this will be our fourth year at the Puyallup fair. It’s so much fun. We stay in the dorms on the fair grounds for the weekend. She shows her rabbit against the other winners from all the counties in the state. This will be the first year that Christine gets to go. She was finally able to show her rabbit this year even though she has been in 4-H for years. The kids have to be 9 years old to compete. The dorms have row after row of small prison size bunk beds. Each bed has a number (like a prisoner would) and some don’t have a mattress. The ones that do have a mattress are duck taped everywhere. I think one of the jails got new bunks and they donated the old ones to the dorms on the fairgrounds. It doesn’t bother me in the least, but family and friends thought it was pretty bad after they saw pictures. The fair charges $3.00 a night for each person to stay in the dorms and we stay for two nights. Before Ashley started showing rabbits I had only been to the state fair once when I was thirteen to participate in the horse judging.
I have told Ashley in the past that it would be great if she could make some money on her rabbits and birds. She told me that people don’t make money on their hobbies, they do it because they enjoy it. Yes that is true, but because she sells some of her birds and rabbits I thought she might make a little profit or at least break even. About a month ago she told me that she had made a profit of $1,067 this year. Her animals take up so much of her time and money, but it is her passion and she made some money with her hobby and I think it’s great.

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