Friday, September 29, 2006
Yesterday morning a man in our church (Tobias) passed away. It wasn't old age it was an accident. He was riding his motorcycle to work and it was extremely foggy out. He hit a semi truck that was turning onto another road.
Why am I telling everyone this? I just want you all to know that even though I haven't seen most of you in years, I still think about all of you. For some of you it's been over 20 years and for most it's been 10 - 15 years since I've seen you. I miss not being able to see family and friends for so long. I haven't seen my two brothers for 3 or 4 years and they live in Lewiston Idaho. Before that I hadn't seen them since my dad's funeral in 1995. That's 8 years!!! I feel so bad about letting that much time go by without seeing them. They are my brothers and I really do miss them. None of you live too far away, and I have no excuse for not seeing all of you more often. One of my nephews and his family live in Alaska, and they are the farthest away. A few of you live right here in Washington. Things have to change. I don't ever remember having a family reunion, do any of you think it's time? I feel the same way about the friends I haven't seen for so many years. Life is too short and I miss you all very much!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006
Pacific Science Center
Christine entered a drawing at the Pacific Science Center and she won. This is the article they put on their website. She is planning to sell it so she can buy something she will use. Someone is going to get a killer deal. Because she won it she is selling it for the nice price. She didn't want me to send the picture of her sitting on the larvae at the Science Center, but I liked it so she said it was ok.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I know it's a bit early to be thinking about Christmas, but this way if you think that family and friends would be interested in doing this or something like it, it gives everyone time to pass it on. I think it's super cool.
Ashley added her rabbitry link (she told me to tell all of you to check it out sometime) to the blog along with some others that I had asked her to put on for me. For all of the adults this Christmas we are buying an animal in their name. The animal/animals you buy go to families that depend on them for their survival. Heifer International. It's one of the links she put on. If you're like me and don't know what to get the adults in your family for Christmas, this is perfect. We don't need more stuff and most of the time we don't know what everyone wants anyway. It's not any fun to give a gift and wonder if the person will like it or use it. The girls will pick out what animal/animals they want to buy and then send a card to each adult that tells them what animal they chose for each of them. No trying to guess what to get everyone, no wrapping paper and no waiting in line at the post office involved.
Everyone gets the perfect gift.
You guys have a great day. is an organization that supplies animals and training to families in need. You purchase the animal / animals of your choice and the families receive the necessary training to raise them on their own.
Your gift recipients will love hearing about how the gift you have made in their honor is helping families around the world. You can print a card from their site to send to each person or you can e-mail a card to them.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
October 9th and 10th phone your senators and join in the Uganda Lobby day. Check out the links below to watch a few minutes of what is happening in our country, to forever change what is happening in Uganda. Everyone have a good day!
Info about the Northern Uganda lobby day.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
1985 - Freshman year in high school
The one and only time I was royalty in high school. Princess Josie and Prince Jory on the right. I wish someone would have told me that the hoop in my dress looked like a tent. What was I thinking? Dancing with the hoop was a little difficult. I kept every dress from every dance I went to in high school. I didn't keep the hoop because I had rented it.
Thank goodness!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Christine at the Lynden fair.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Me and my Dad. My dad was 57 years old in this picture

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I was talking the other day to a friend who is a military wife. Her husband is in Iraq for a year. She has three kids and no family nearby. For the next year she will be living as a single mother. It has to be hard when your husband is gone for so long, but look at how many husbands are in the military. She misses him "like crazy." Her huband was able to be with her when all of their children were born, but some men in the military are not able to hold their child for the first time until they return home. Some of my friends complain that their husbands work too many hours or that their husbands are gone for weeks at a time for work. For about two years my friend that recently moved was home with her kids, and without her husband for three weeks out of the month while he was traveling for work. Two years, but it's better than being gone for a year at a time. Another friend of mine only sees her husband on the weekends. I know that being a single mother can be very challenging at times. I think they are very fortunate that they are able to be home with their kids, and not have to work outside the home. Sometimes it's difficult for them to see just how lucky they are. I know they feel like they are raising their kids alone sometimes, but they are able to be home full time because their husbands work so hard. I think every woman that has a great husband should be thankful if their husband is able to be home most evenings or weekends. There are so many husbands and fathers overseas, and so many wives and mothers that miss them. I told my friend with the husband in Iraq that I'm sure her husband misses her and the kids just as much as they miss him, " LIKE CRAZY!"
Some people might think that I spend too much time talking about the less fortunate. Ashley talks about her rabbits and birds because they are her passion. Christine talks about becoming a veterinarian because she loves animals. We all have something that we are passionate about, and that's a good thing.
The other day I was going to an apppointment. At almost every freeway exit there is a homeless person holding a cardboard sign. Occasionally I will hand someone a few bucks out my car window. I know there is no way of knowing what they will spend the money on; beer, drugs, food? A young man was standing at the corner of the freeway entrance and his sign said, "need food." When I was done with my appointment I went to the grocery store because I had decided that giving food was much better than giving money. I parked across the street and carried the groceries over to him. He said thank you, and he gave me a hug. I told him that he was so welcome. A happy tear ran down my cheek. It doesn't take much for me to get emotional about something. Whenever I see someone handing a few bucks to someone less fortunate, I give them a thumbs up. Giving is really the best feeling, especially when the recipients are so grateful.
I want my girls to have a giving heart. Hey, if I had Bill Gate's bank account I could make a huge difference. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave five hundred million dollars to fight aids and malaria around the world. He and his wife travel to third world countries and meet the people they are helping. They definitely know what it's all about.
Talking about what Chirstine wants to do when she grows up reminds me of what I wanted to be when I was a young girl. I'm not sure why, but I wanted to become an astronaut. Maybe it had something to do with speed and the unknown. I do remember telling my mom that I wanted to go as far as I could into space in a lifetime. The universe never ends and that's mind boggling to me.
Ok, I'm almost done. Back to the cardboard signs.
One day I saw a man holding a sign that said, "I won't lie I just want a beer." I wonder how many people gave him money that day? Maybe he hit the jackpot because he was being honest.
Have a good day!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Another year at the fair. Our fair lasts six days and we are there all day, every day, doing 4-H stuff.

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