I'm getting better at this blogging thing. No more posting individual pictures.
About the pictures. The car (on the way home from grandma's) and swimsuit pictures are from last summer. Trying out her wood burning skills. The bracelet, necklace and mosaic stone that she made to enter in the fair. Yep, she has chores to do, hanging clothes. Making her bracelet. The owl picture she drew this year. One of the art galleries chose her picture to display along with some of the other pictures from other elementary schools. She still likes to play with her busy beads. This years
school picture. Cruising down the driveway- 12 months. Black and white picture- 11 months.
Christine still makes me feel needed. When they get older they don't think that they need mom or dad anymore, except when they want something, which is most of the time. Ashley was around 15 years old before she could go to sleep without me tucking her in and giving her a kiss goodnight. If I went to bed before she did, she would call me from her room to come tuck her in and give her a kiss. O.k. back to Chirstine. Over the years Christine has taken lessons in gymnastics, swimming, dance, horse riding, violin and has been in several clubs. Kinyobi club was fun for the girls. It was an eight week program that taught the kids how to read, write and speak in Japanese. They played games and other fun stuff. I learned a lot about the Japanese people. Japanese students from Western came and volunteered their time to help the kids and answer their questions. She has been in our rabbit 4-H club (Carrot Critters) for four years. She has one rabbit and one cat. She keeps me busy that's for sure.
I started writing in a journal a few days before Christine was born and have continued through the years. I wanted to share some of the cute things she has said when she was younger, under 5 years old.
I wrote this a few days ago and it mysteriously disappeared. I'll shorten it up which means you'll have to excuse the grammer.
One day when she was 3 she came to me in the shower. She asked me if she could have some chocolate milk. I told her to wait until I got out of the shower and I would get her some. She said that it was ok, she could get it herself and she ran out of the bathroom. I was thinking about how I was going to have to mop the floor and give her a bath because the milk jug was full and there was no way she could pour it herself without pouring it on herself. I hurried up and went to the kitchen. She was standing in front of the refrigerator with the door open looking at the milk. I asked her what she was doing. She said " mommy I need to know what milk is from the right cow?" She asked me because she drinks 2% and the rest of us drink 1%. I explained to her that her milk was the one with the blue cap.
We were leaving my mother and father-n-laws one night and I told Christine to look at the moon. It was just a sliver shining brightly. She looked at me and asked, "mommy did someone eat the moon?"
At the farmers market I was knocking on some watermelons to find a good one. She started patting them along with me. I explained to her why you knock on them and what they should sound like if they're good. Later that day she came to me and lifted her shirt up and started patting her tummy. She said, "look mommy it smells like a watermelon." I said, "you mean it sounds like a watermelon." No she said it smells like one.
This is just one of the cute things toddlers do. She brought me some dandelions and a fuzzy leaf and told me that it was my prize for pushing her in the swing.
One morning we were taking Ashley to school. There was frost all over the ground and Christine said, "look mommy there's frosting on the ground." She would have loved that.
The girls were playing with their pokemon toys. Christine told Ashley that her pokemon had three names. Ashley said, "my foot." Christine very seriously looked at her and said, "well my eye."
In the pool one day Christine said to me, "look mommy that bug can walk on water just like God." It was a fly struggling to get out of the water.
We were outside and she was looking at the slugs on the ground. She said, "mommy slugs have long eyes." She held her fingers up to her head like antennas.
There was a spider on the radio in the bathroom. Christine had me stand between her and the spider while she went to the bathroom. I did it a couple of times and then I told her that the spider was friendly. After that, every time she went to the bathroom she would say hello and talk to him a bit. One morning I was getting out of the shower and she had put her spider toy next to the friendly spider on the radio. When she came in, I asked her why she had put it there, even though I knew why she had. She said, "mommy the friendly spider needs a friend." Having a heart for even the littlest creatures. That's my girl.
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