They are so precious. These are the children and this is my dream.
No one knows how much time they have in this world, and for that reason I have felt for a very long time that God has been calling me to leave my comfort zone, take a leap of faith, and follow my dream. Sometimes I feel like selling everything and moving to a place far away and far different from what we call home. That place is Africa. The older I get the stronger that calling has become. It's not realistic to think that I could move to Africa, but sometimes dreams really do come true, right. I've been thinking that maybe I could go for a few months, and live my dream for a short period of time. I told my mom the other day that I had looked online at houses to rent in different parts of Uganda. She told me that she was going to have nightmares after I told her the part about the, "extras include." All I did was look and she gets all worried. I don't worry about it like she does , but I am her only child and I guess I would worry if one of my girls told me that they wanted to live in a country where people live a nightmare in the night and in the day. So what does the title of this post mean? When we look at a house to rent in our country the ad might say extras include: water, sewer and garbage. When you look at the ads for houses to rent in many parts of Africa you will see that the extras include; a phone line (it's very expensive to have a phone in most places) an alarm and an electric fence. I told my mom about it and she said, "why would you need an electric fence?" I told her that it was for reasons that most people here would never think about. She had absolutely no idea why you would need an electric fence, so I told her why. This paragraph pretty much sums it up.
Forty-eight people were hacked to death near the town of Kitgum in the far north of Uganda. Local newspaper reports said elderly people were killed with machetes and spears, and babies were flung against trees. Ugandans were shocked by the brutality of the latest attack by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army. The LRA seeks to overthrow the Uganda Government and has inflicted brutal violence on the population in northern Uganda, including rape, kidnapping, torture, and murder. LRA forces also target local government officials and employees, international humanitarian convoys and local nongovernmental organization workers.
It does scare me a little, but for me the benefits far outweigh the risk. On the site I was on it ranked each rental from 1 to 10 on security, and 1 to 10 on overall neighborhood. I thought that 7 out of 10 was pretty good for security, and that usually means you have an electric fence. The 8 and 9 out of 10's that I looked at also had a 24 hour security guard. I found several that were 1 out of 10 and every ad listed the house as being in a safe and secure area. 1 out of 10 does not spell safe and secure to me. I don't know how many people really know why an electric fence is needed in certain parts of Africa. What I do know is that we can all be thankful that when we are looking for a house to rent the ad says.
"Extras include; water, sewer and garbage.