Swimming makes these kids HUNGRY! Christine and her friend Taylor spent their day swimming in the pool and picking raspberries, oh, and the snake. We have plenty of those around. The two wild baby bunnies are one of many ( 9 or 10) babies that Christine's cat Striker has taken from their nest. So far only one has survived. He got three yesterday and I am getting sooooooo mad. The baby bunnies scream when he attacks them. We all go running to save them. He carries them around in his mouth and that means he has punctured the poor things. Right now we have two in a pet taxi. He never kills them he just plays with them in a very mean way. We got a new pool this summer. I wasn't planning on getting a new one. Christine thought that throwing her cat in the pool would be good punishment for catching moles. When he got out he clawed the ring that holds the air that holds the pool up. Arrrggggg. I tried for 3 days to patch, patch and re-patch that pool. I was determined to fix it. I patched 16 holes and there must have been more, but I couldn't find them. So Christine and I went and got a new pool. It is twice as big as our old one. It took a little over 8 hours to fill it. Ouch, the water bill. Setting it up was the easy part. The hard part is keeping the water clean all summer. I drained our old one twice last summer because of the algae. The chemicals wouldn't kill it. I won't be draining the pool this summer. Besides the water bill I can't stand to waste water. There are so many chemicals that you put in and up until now I put just one sanitizer in. There are 4 steps involved if you do it right. Yeah, so when we bought the pool I was looking at the chemicals and all the ones I needed to get. Hello, I'm not willing to, or should I say I can't spend hundreds of dollars on the pool this summer. I'm going to try to get away with just using the sanitizer and shocking the pool once a week. You didn't need a ladder with our old pool. This one came with a ladder because you need it. I told the girls earlier that I had less lawn to mow now. Christine taught Taylor how to dog paddle. She has never taken swimming lessons and Christine was a great teacher. Christine is an excellent swimmer. She spent three summers in a row taking lessons and then last summer she decided she was done with it. I was hoping she might want to join a swim team because she enjoyed it so much. She is so strong and fast.
I know we will all enjoy the pool up until the last warm day of the summer.
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