-The garage (Ashley calls it the barn) - Home of 26 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs and 50 + birds. These animals are her project, but she is always asking for help. This next weekend she plans on building 8 cages that are 12 feet long for her birds. Of course she will need help, and building bird cages is exactly what I wanted to do all weekend. I just can't wait to get started! I'm kidding. She has spent close to $600.00 on the materials to make them. I say spending that much money on animals is insane. She needs to be saving that money for college. Maybe I'll post some pictures of the very expensive bird cages when they're done.

No pictures of the fish. We have a 30 gallon tank with a mix of fruit tetras, cat fish and more.
-The Bunnies-
A few of the rabbits. The grey ones on the left and in the picture with Ashley are Standard Chinchillas. The babies in the basket and the puff ball are Jersey Woolies. Nicole had Netherland Dwarfs, but she's not interested in rabbits anymore. Boys are number one on her list. She's too young! Ashley has other breeds but she doesn't raise them. She has a rabbit rescue and takes in rabbits that people no longer want.
Daisy, our black lab. She is 7 years old and has been with us the longest. She is the BEST dog. I love taking her for walks, but sometimes she gets a little too excited and starts dragging me behind.
-Sweet girl-
-Quail and Chuckers-
That Cat!
Christine and Striker. We could not keep that cat out of our Christmas tree. When we saw the tree shaking we knew he was up to no good. He just liked to sit up there and look around. If he does it this Christmas our tree will be on it's side most of the time. He also liked chewing on the cords. Nothing like baby proofing your house for the cat.
Ashley's quail. She raises them and sells their eggs on the internet. I can't believe how many people e-mail her every day wanting to buy eggs. People from all over the country. I've gone to the post office a few times to pick up birds that she bought from someone in Indiana.
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