Zadra and Christineon the bus showing me that they are winners, not losers.
Waiting patiently to board the Adventuress. It was a perfect day for sailing. Yes it was cloudy, but it DIDN'T rain, and that's what made it a perfect day!
I wasn't feeling so great the day of this field trip, but I still had fun with the kids. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to get through the day when you're not feeling well.
It's a field trip just for the fourth grade classes. Eleven moms and dads went along. Mr. Bill was saying that last year only two parents went with the kids. I was responsible for a group of six kids that called themselves theJellyfish Octopuses. Another group (mostly boys) decided that they were the MIGHTY SEA DRAGONS. What group of boys would call themselves the Jellyfish Octopuses? Girls and boys are SO different. The kids did a little bit of everything. They learned a lot about sailing, and they got to hoist the sails. Now they know what to do if you're told to "hold the line" or "drop the line." Some of the terminology:
Luff - the front edge of a sail, and the flapping in the wind of the front of the sail (luffing)
Downhaul - a line, attached to the tack, that adjusts tension in the sail
Furl - to fold or roll a sail and secure it to its main supportHalyard - the line used to raise and lower the sail
Trim - to adjust the sails, also the position of the sails
Whisker pole - a light spar which holds the jib out when sailing downwind--------------------------------------------------------------
Some of the ones that we all know.
Knot - a unit of speed, one knot=6,076 feet per hourBail - to remove water from the boat
Capsize - to turn a boat over
Mr. Bill is in one of the pictures with some blue shorts on? It wasn't very warm, but he was definitely ready for Summer.
Christine is always coming up with something new. She loves getting everyone involved. Sounds like a great club. I would join if the founders of the club would let me, but I'm not at school at recess, and I'm not in the 4th grade :)
The gallery walk.Several businesses display art from the elementary school students for the gallery walk. The Children's museum is displaying art from Christine's class. A wall full of trees. The Children's musuem has a new theme and it's super cool :) This is what we did on Friday night.